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REMIX OS Available on ACEMAX MX Plus S905 Android TV Box
Now Remix OS Availbe on ACEMAX MX Plus Android Quad Core S905 64 Bit TV Box, and now make it a tiny PC. It gives you a PC experience unlike anything on Android and an Android experience unlike anything on a PC. Plug any display in your MX Plus. Turn it on. What you do next is up to you. Powered by Remix OS (based on Android 5.1), MX Plus allows you to work and play with the entire Android app ecosystem while taking full advantage of intuitive PC features such as a taskbar, full multiple window multi-tasking, mouse and keyboard support, and so much more. Featuring a multitude of ports, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, make MX Plus the centerpiece to your ever-connected world and embrace PC and Android computing together like never before.

Note:  our standard delivery is with normal IR remote, and if you need to fullfil the functions of REMIX OS, Keyboard and Mouse is a must (Not included with our standard package).