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Mash Up Closed

Rest in Peace Mash Up

Following from Internet 

It has come to our attention that a couple of days ago the infamous XBMC add-on known as Mash Up disappeared abruptly from the systems of all of its users, leaving only a short note saying farewell while referring users to our site; and a lot of questions left to be answered. We’ve done a little bit of investigating and now we’ll go ahead and give you the gist of the story as it’s been told to us.



Basically what happened was mash2k3, the developer behind Mash Up, had received several copyright takedown notices, which left him in a tough position. It would be hard to expect someone to put their personal life at risk; risk of civil lawsuits or criminal prosecution, and evidently he felt it would be a wiser choice to close than to take that risk into the future.

It seems that he then went ahead pushed an update to his repository which essentially uninstalled his addon from any device that it was on, and then displayed a message apologizing to users for his departure. Several hours later, he took his web site offline and deleted his social media accounts and hasn’t been heard from since. Some of the last people to speak to him in his inner circle have said that he conveyed the possibility that he will never be heard from, a smart move given the circumstances.

It’s very important for everyone to understand why this happened so that developers can avoid these type of problems in the future. It was mash2k3’s lack of anonymity which put him at risk, too many people knew who he was, and precautions weren’t put into place. It was also apparent that his web site was hosted in the United States, a definite no-no for any site hosting content of questionable nature. It is also common consensus that charging for access to sports streams brings a lot of unwanted attention.

Mash Up was originally part of our community and now it seems that most of its most active users are making their way back. We’d like to assure everyone that we take our community’s security and privacy very seriously. Many precautions have been put in place since the beginning and are regularly reinforced in order to ensure our continuous operation far into the future. That’s all we’re going to say about the subject and hope that we can all move forward and continue to make our community a more enjoyable place. We also have a policy against the sale of access to sports streams here.

Copyed from internet.